Today was an awesome display of familial joy that my eyes have not seen, and my heart has not felt in many years. Not that it hasn't been there, but for some reason my eyes were blind to it and my heart was too unfeeling.
Some awesomeness displayed by my family:
#1 Son: Had an air about him of contentment that made me proud to be his little brother. Just like my dad he goes to work every day and works his ass off for his family. He was there for me in my darkest hour and I know he'd be there again for anyone in our family.
#1 Sis: Just like big bro #1, big sis #1 has been there for me in some dark times (yeah I've had my share). I think I may have the most in common with sis #1. But just like copies always lose a little sharpness from the original, I'm not as smart or as strong as my sis. I've always thought of sis as the sweetest thing. Then something happened and that sweet sis showed a pair of balls the size of a Fiat (Tee Hee, inside party joke). Well big balls are good, but the wisdom to know when to whip them out, that’s the hard part.
#2 Bro: This dude never ceases to amaze me. I remember a movie from the 80's called "Iron Will". That’s my bro. I might be better at something than him but if I'm going to win, I better be twice as good. His persistence, work ethic and positive attitude are going to overcome a lot of whatever I have over him. I wish I had his positive attitude and work ethic.
Oh by the way with very limited training, dude completes a 75 mile bicycle charity ride. Work ethic, persistence and attitude - WOW!
#2 Sis: One tough cookie. She speaks her mind and don't take shit from no one. I think Sis #2 and I share a lot too, but in some ways we are polar opposites. #2 says what she feels always. I sometimes over analyze and other times fail to analyze what to say. I think if sis #2 and I can morph into one super Bigeck we might take over the world.
Anywho, sis #2 took the bull by the horns and arranged my mom's surprise 80th B-day party. I haven't seen mom that happy in a long time. Awesome job #2 sis. Cheers!